If you are in a state of despair about the choices-- as I am--you could consider any number of write-in candidates, or hold out hope that a third party might enter the race.
One already has: Captain Obvious.
He's got the Commander in Chief uniform and political hand gestures down:
And he seems to have a strong ground game in all 50 states:
If that isn't good enough, Esurance is selling Election Insurance in the event you need to flee the country for four years.
I am hopeful I'll have something more serious to say about POTUS 2016 soon,... and it is a hope. At least where the Republicans are concerned, they could help my cause by getting serious themselves. As I argued in an earlier post, the nastiness of the campaign has its function in helping voters take the measure of the candidates. The time to readjust the balance between sleaze and substance is overdue.
As I wait, I'll continue to take some solace from the bits of levity I can find....
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