Monday, 17 November 2014

Tombstones, Cornerstones, and Keystones, Oh my!

This morning Stephen Blank and Monica Gattinger of the University of Ottawa published a fantastic piece with the Canadian International Council about the Keystone XL debate. It's great because it puts the necessity of the Keystone pipeline in the context of the profound changes taking place in North American energy markets. I've noted a few of these changes in earlier posts, but Blank and Gattinger are far more thorough, laying them all on the table, including the big changes being initiated with Mexico's PEMEX. Together, they raise a number of critical questions about the future of the Keystone XL pipeline.

I've linked Blank and Gattinger here: Keystone XL: Tombstone or Cornerstone?

Blank and Gattinger wisely refrain from making predictions, but their piece reaffirms my own sense that Keystone XL will be a tombstone for the next president to deal with, perhaps sometime in 2017.

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