Monday, 23 August 2021

Been Away for a While

Whoa!!! It's been a long time since I've posted anything here. This past summer, the so-called Brood X cicadas emerged from 17 years underground and menaced the East Coast of North America with the force of their numbers and collective sound. 
Locked Down for More than 18 Months

I haven't been away from this space quite that long, but it sure feels like it. There are lots of reasons for that, most of which I can blame on Twitter. It's not as if I've had nothing to say. It's just that I've always wanted this space to be about things that would stand up well over time. Indeed, part of the reason I started this blog in the first place was to flesh out some think
ing in a space that wasn't limited to a short newspaper op-ed (readership there is declining there anyway), but was less formalized than academic publishing (with a different set of narrow readership problems). 

Redefining the Floor....Down

I was scrolling through some YouTube clips the other day and came across the great Seinfeld episode in which Frank Costanza invites Seinfeld...