Thursday, 15 February 2018

NAFTA, Frisco Style

I made a quick trip to the Bay Area last week to give a presentation to a group of University of Alberta alumni. In one of the surest signs of my getting older, I keep seeing more and more former students at these things. Apart from that, however, it's gratifying to see them come out and to learn about the interesting things they are doing.

The topic of my presentation was the NAFTA2.0 negotiations. The timing was good. The 5th round of negotiations had just concluded in Montreal the previous week and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was going to be in San Francisco in the following couple of days touting the merits of trade as well as the high-tech sector for Canada.

In future I might try and record some of what I say at these things. Now and then I say something interesting only to wish I had written it down somewhere. Actual PowerPoint presentation is linked here. However, I thought I'd try and reconstruct a bit of what I said with an "annotated" form of that presentation.

Redefining the Floor....Down

I was scrolling through some YouTube clips the other day and came across the great Seinfeld episode in which Frank Costanza invites Seinfeld...