In fact, it's only August and I'm completely exhausted! Trump exhausts me! When I reflect on what has transpired in just the first 6 months of this Administration, I need to stop and catch my breath. There's a daily diet of outrage, incompetence, and mean-spritedness that leaves me feeling dirty for having watched.
Every other day, I find myself saying "he did what?" As I shake my head over yesterday's development, my head snaps in the other direction as the next one hits. I've developed a number of the signs of whiplash.
However, as the Whiplash President wreaks havoc, I have also frequently felt some combination of despair, frustration, anger, and resignation-- sometimes all within the space of about 15 minutes. I am old enough to have appreciated Cold War tensions (I remember watching The Day After with my parents), worried about domestic terrorism in the mid-1990s, lived in some state of anxiety in Washington after 9/11, and agonized over the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Yet, I've spent a lot more time worrying about Donald Trump.